"We should consider every day lost on which we have not danced at least once."
- Friedrich Nietzsche

This website is promoted by Les Ballets Persans and is an attempt by Artistic Director Nima Kiann to create an online forum for research on the art form of dance in Iran, Middle East and Central Asia. The lack of resources and scholar material about the history, theory and development of different forms of dance in this geographical area has been the motivation behind establishing this homepage as a meeting place for dance professionals, scholars and enthusiasts.
Eastern Dance Forum is a constantly developing research and resource centre. The scholar contributions of dance professionals specialized in dance from the Middle East and Central Asia will enrich and improve contents of this website.
We also welcome comments and suggestions from our visitors to enhance this forum and make it more useful. Please contact us via email if you would like to participate in our work by gathering articles and contents for this home page.
Re-publication of scholar material presented in this website is permitted within the World Wide Web with insertion of due credits to www.easterndanceforum.com and the copyright holder of each article/media. For publication outside the Internet, a written permission is required. Please contact Les Ballets Persans’ office for additional information and further instructions.

press release

Eastern Dance Forum started its activities in August 2004 as a source of research and study on dance in Eastern Asia. See the press release here.

letter from the founder

Read a message from Nima Kiann, the founder and promoter of this forum here.

donate to les ballets persans!

Make a free amount donation to our dance company and support our activities as a non-proft organization. Use the bellow button to make a payment via PayPal or login to your PayPal account and transfer your fund to info[at]balletspersans[dot]org.